Registration infos
The registration file is always valid for TWG (TinyWebGallery), TFU (TWG Flash Uploader), JFU (JFUploader) and WFU (WP Flash Uploader). You don't have to register these products seperately! The rights at TWG/TFU/JFU and the copyright stays at the author Michael Dempfle.
The registration is valid for upgrades and new versions!
Please note: Paypal payments are processed automatically if possible. Updates, multi domain registrations and other payment types are processed manually. Therefore it could take a couple of days until you get your licence file. If it takes much longer please contact me - Maybe the registration mail was recected by your mail server or is in your spam folder!
Please enter your registration information. You can enter special wishes in the free text field. If you choose Hard Rock Shot glass as registration type please enter the name of the shot glass you can send me. If you have questions please use e-mail - don't use the registration form.
*) Multidomains : You have more then one domain for the same web site, you only have to register once. Requirement is that it is the same web page. e.g. = = = "My homepage". Multidomain registrations are checked manually!
**) Bank tranfer
: The bank is a German bank! Please use this if you have a bank account inside the EU. Otherwise there are high fees on this type of transaction. I will provide IBAN/BIC where the fees in the EU are like the ones for a normal bank transfer. If you are not sure about the fees from you country please ask your bank first. This is the prefered payment type because is has the lowest transactions costs for both sides.
Credit card: If you want to pay with creadit card (Visa, Mastercard ...) you have to use Paypal. You can register your credit card at your Paypal account and use this for payment. A direct payment with credit card is unfortunately not possible with a German Paypal account.
***) Hard Rock Cafe Shot Glass: I'm collecting shot glasses (4cl) from the Hardrock Cafe from all over the world (I have around 80 right now). If you live in a city with a Hardrock Cafe - please check here if I don't have it yet (and how it looks like). If I don't have it please add in the free text field which shot glass you could send me (Because maybe it's already on the way). Normally a shot glass is around $5-6 + shipping. People who choose this way get a free professional license or (for a Standard License) a free installation of TWG/TFU on top that is normaly 20 EUR!